Tag: The Hegemony of Psychopathy

Climate ChangePhilosophySocial Issues

No Time for Utopia

Most political thought is โ€œideal theoryโ€: its arguments are based on an idealized world in which important aspects of reality are abstracted away. Abstraction isnโ€™t necessarily a bad thing โ€“ in the contrary, it is often necessary in science โ€“ but it isnโ€™t self-evident that the results of abstractions and idealizations are (always) applicable to the real world, and if theory doesnโ€™t descend from the ideal world to reality it turns into an intellectual game without practical relevance; or worse, as the case of neoclassical economics illustrates. In that case abstraction and idealization resulted in a โ€œtheoryโ€ that explains nothing,...
PhilosophySocial Issues

The (Self-) Corruption of Critique

This is a lightly edited excerpt from my book/pamphlet The Hegemony of Psychopathy. * * * Hegemony is the spread of ideas (such as values and beliefs) that support and maintain the socio-political status quo. Alternative sources of ideas can (at least in principle) undermine hegemony, but if hegemony is effective, then alternative ideas are often not taken seriously, or may even undermine themselves. If hegemony is effective, then the belief that there is no alternative becomes common sense, turning proposed alternatives (i.e. alternatives for common sense) into obvious non-sense. This is how hegemony undermines critique: by making it โ€œirrational.โ€...

Economics and Psychopathy

This is a lightly edited excerpt from my book/pamphlet The Hegemony of Psychopathy. * * * The reorientation of political ambitions after the Second World War from power and territory to wealth changed the relation between economics and the ruling elite. The โ€œscienceโ€ of economics, which already had been more influential and prestigious than any of the other social sciences, now gained an effective monopoly as the official supplier of government plans and policies, putting it in the center of power, and changing its status and what was (and is) expected of it. For one thing, politics demand(ed) โ€œclosureโ€ โ€”...
PhilosophySocial Issues

The Hegemony of Psychopathy (Excerpt)

This is an edited collection of excerpts from my book/pamphlet The Hegemony of Psychopathy that was just published. (It can be purchased in paperback or downloaded for free in PDF format at the publisher’s website.) * * * The Holocaust has received surprisingly little attention from social and political philosophers. This is surprising because the scale and extent of the atrocities involved in the Holocaust should be impossible to ignore. If we humans can do that, then that makes a difference โ€” or should make a difference โ€” for our beliefs about the ideal society, for example. At the very...

Greece, Europe, and the Hegemony of Psychopathy

Question: Why canโ€™t Greece repay its debts? Answer: Because its economy is in shambles. Question: Why is its economy so bad? Answer: Because the EU destroyed it. Thatโ€™s the short answer. Itโ€™s not the answer youโ€™ll read in most newspapers or hear on the TV โ€“ those will tell you that itโ€™s all the Greeksโ€™ own fault. Their incompetent politicians and low productivity are too blame, theyโ€™ll tell you, or something similar. While it is undoubtedly true that Greece โ€“ like most other countries, by the way โ€“ has had its share of incompetent politicians, the story the mainstream press...